Annual Report Design for TTC Pension Fund
2018 annual report for the TTC Pension Fund.
Annual Report Design for Boost, 2018
Here is the 2018 Annual Report design for Boost. We created this in a wide format so that the PDF version will display in full screen on a computer monitor.
Book Design: The Moon: A Voyage Through Time
The Aga Khan Museum engaged Swerve to design a hard cover, coffee table book to go with their new exhibit The Moon: A Voyage Through Time. The exhibit celebrates the 50th anniversary of the first human steps on the moon by discovering the wonder, knowledge, and beauty...
Brochure Design for Kreitmaker
Created this six panel brochure for Krietmaker, a stone and concrete supplier in Toronto. Good example of the kind of design we can create for a company in the building industry.
Rebranding Ontario Alliance of Climbers
The Ontario Access Coalition renamed themselves the Ontario Alliance of Climbers to better reflect their members who are all climbing related outdoor enthusiasts. We helped them rebrand with a new logo design that better reflects their mission and members. Their new...
New Craft Beer Packaging
It's been another busy year creating new packaging for a local craft brewery including a new series of can packaging for LCBO products and new beers sold at the brewery. Switching the cans to a new process and pushing the limits of the printing techniques by combining...
Quality Allied Elevator gets a lift
Quality Allied Elevators had a very dated site that was not mobile friendly, not AODA compliant nor easy to update. So we designed a new website for this Toronto company with a unique elevator themed navigation that allows the user to interact with their content. View...
Sub brand website for Coreio
We launched Coreio’s new brand and website earlier and they wanted to build a sub brand website for their key service offering. It needed to stand out from the rest of their services but not as a separate website. So we created a new design theme for their sub brand...
Ontario Brain Institute 2017 Annual Report
Swerve had lots of fun creating the 2017-18 annual report for the Ontario Brain Institute. Swerve did all the design and writing for this bilingual report. Ontario Brain Institute is a provincially-funded, not-for-profit research centre maximizing the impact of...
50 Years of YES
2018 is Youth Employment Services' (YES) 50th anniversary. YES engaged Swerve to design their anniversary logo and their annual report. See this and other reports we have done for YES at: