CGSA Conference Website Design

The Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (CGSA) holds a yearly conference on all things Turfgrass for which Swerve designs many of the items to help advertise the event. Using the Website system developed by Swerve Design they are able to post their conference...

Hatch Kiosk Website Design

Swerve designed and built a PDF collateral site for Hatch. When Hatch has an event anywhere in the world they would hand out several brochures and books on their specialized services. They found many users would not take them or if they did, they wouldn’t often keep...

Website Design: Is Your Site Responsive?

Web design seems to change daily and it can be hard to keep up with all the new technologies out there. One of the more recent advancements that you should be aware of is a thing called responsive design.   Before Responsive Design Until recently you only needed...