In 2010, David Stauble and Maria Ringo started their family-owned company Carna4 Inc. to provide caring pet owners with a convenient pure food alternative to the raw meat diet. Carna4 delivers real nutrition with pure food, using minimal processing and none of the risks of either the synthetic supplements made in overseas factories or the illness-causing pathogens found in raw meats.
Carna4 Web Site
Web site for new ultra healthy, all natural dog food
Time frame:
Project was done in approximately 225 hours over a six month time period
Research, wireframe, technical planning, design, build, site enhancements, project management, photography, video
Highly customized WordPress installation
Step 1: Review and processes
To initiate all projects we start with a Discovery & Planning session to gather information and ask questions to learn about your goals, expectations, resources and audience. We also analyze your current site and compare it to any competition.
During this discovery session we review all the possible needs, brainstorm directions and features, and put together a complete list of requirements. This is an interactive session to explore the options and define the goals and requirements. We will review your existing marketing materials and branding to ensure proper integration with other marketing strategies.
After our discovery phase we are able to provide detailed recommendations and, if necessary revised project costs and timelines. We will consider best approaches for leveraging existing software or for custom designing an application that suites your individual needs.
Step Two: Wire Frame Model
Brainstorm new site ideas, review content and discuss a hierarchy of information and messages for the user. Explore navigation options and sitemap.
Build a wireframe and review solutions for functionality, user experience, branding and messaging information without being distracted by the design.
Step Three: Create Design Mock-ups
Explore creative directions and present multiple design concepts for review.
Perfect design, finalize copy and photography (see first page for final design)
Easy to Use Content Management System
We put together a customized solution to allow you to update and manage your web site.
We install and customize open source applications to suit your unique needs. Making updates is easy – if you have a basic understanding of software like Microsoft Word then you can update your own site including adding new sections, editing content, previewing changes, inserting images and video and so much more. We can include events calendars, news feeds, RSS and twitter, photo galleries, member registration and renewal (including online payment systems) and practically any functionality you can think of.
This can all be managed by a single user or a team of users authorized to update your site.